Friday 1 February 2013

Time of year!!

As it is the time of the year when our thoughts are turning to organizing Spring and Summer Fairs I would like to remind you all to take a look at the Stall Games section for lots of different ideas on Game Stalls to hold at these events.

The more variety of stalls you have at your event the more people will come back the following years. People do not want to wak around a event seeing Tombola after Tombola. A great way of making money but also a great way of putting people off coming to your next event.

A stall that no one has seen before can bring lots of people flocking to your table. Games like Stand up Bingo,easy to set up and simple to play for all ages,young and old. The Money Tree and Holiday destination all easy to set up and fun too for all ages.

Go on be a bit more adventureous,the rewards for you will be there to see,when Mr Tombola Stall is left standing on his own.

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